Charles Avison: 12 Concertos in Seven Parts, Complete facsimile part books (Cto. 1 - 12)
Arranged from Cembalo Sonatas by D. Scarlatti, London 1744
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The 12 concerti grossi published in 1744 by Charles Avison are arrangements made from harpsichord sonatas by Domenico Scarlatti. Although the 12 Concertos are arrangements, the pieces are imprinted more strongly with Avison’s style than Scarlatti’s. It is interesting to observe how Avison transformed these solo harpsichord pieces into orchestral works Concerto grosso for 7 string voices (two solo violins, solo cello and string orchestra à 4).
The seven part books are:
Concertino (Soli): Violino Primo Concertino, Violino Secondo Concertino, Violoncello Orchestra: Violino Primo Ripieno, Violino Secondo Ripieno, Alto Viola and Basso Ripieno
Edited by Simon Heyerick and Mihoko Kimura
We publish this work in the following forms:
6 volumes of score (AS 7071-1 ~ -6)
6 vol. parts set in facsimile (AS 7071-1F ~ -6F)
6 vol. parts set in modern notation (AS 7071-1S ~ -6S)
6 vol. reduced score with figured bass realization (AS 7071-1K ~ -6K)
Complete facsimile part books (AS 7071-F)
They are sold all separately.