Johann Michael Nicolai: 12 Triosonaten, Band I (Sonata 1 - 6)
Erster Theil Instrumentalischer Sachen oder zwölff Sonaten, Augsburg 1675
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Johann Michael Nicolai (1629-1685) worked in the court orchestra of the Duke of Sachsen-Lauenburg. From 1655 until his death in 1685 he was appointed to the court orchestra of Stuttgart and played the “großen Violon” (violone and/or contrabass) and other instruments.
One can gauge his expertise with bass instruments in these trio sonatas. They are all for 2 violins, a bass instrument and basso continuo.
First complete modern edition. Edited by Mihoko Kimura
Sonata 1 - 4 2 Violini, Viola da gamba [ò] Trombone e Bassus pro Organo
Sonata 5 - 6 2 Violini, Fagotto e Bassus pro Organo
Sonata 7 - 12 2 Violini, Fagotto [ò] Violone e Bassus pro Organo