Johann Stamitz: Deux Divertissements en duo pour un Violon Seul sans Basse
New edition and facsimile
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Under the title “Divertimento” (amusement), Stamitz offers formally faultless and polished compositions in the galant style which are also technically quite demanding.
As shown by the large number of reprints it remained for a long time the most popular and well-known work by Stamitz. There was sufficient demand for precisely these pieces from well-to-do customers in Paris, London, Vienna and their environs which were supplied by the capital cities.
In his preface the author discusses 17th and 18th century solo violin music, the fundamental purpose of which was to be used exclusively as study and practice material. He goes on to demonstrate that the handwritten secondary sources are often merely faithful copies by contemporary musicians of the printed editions which also occasionally feature details about performance practice. These can sometimes be quite explicit instructions on 'how to play'.
This edition therefore consists of three parts: the new edition, the facsimile and two appendixes. Appendix I is an etude-book version by the Bohemian music lover J. A. Seydl (1775–1837), which is provides fingerings and articulations. Appendix II contains selected fragments of the Divertimenti with the editor’s suggestions for musically appropriate bowings.
Edited by Reinhard Goebel